5 minute apple soufflé:
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar
5 large eggs
For the apple base:
3 big apples
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon sugar
Servings: 4 servings
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Baking time: 20 minutes
Hello my sweet little apple trees! Today we are making one of the fastest recipes we have written down in our dusty little recipe book and it’s called the 5 minute apple soufflé! You see, we have right in front of us the French charm in our warm-red (wine infused) cheeks, and therefore we are ready to start our cooking adventure! Oui, oui, oui!
What is the 5 minute apple soufflé?
It’s one of the easiest (and most gorgeous) dessert recipes you’ll learn, and we make it in our kitchen almost weekly! The French term soufflé resembles a baked egg dish in which the most important part is the trapped in air bubbles! The term comes from the French verb “souffler” which means “to blow” or “to inflate” if you like to blow or to inflate things just-like-we-do (whatever this means). The air is trapped in the egg whites and as the air expands (while being baked) we have the puffy-puff-puff that we want in a soufflé!
The base for our 5 minute apple soufflé is made out of apples shortly fried in butter and then poured over with the soufflé mixture. Sound so yummy, doesn’t it?

Important things to keep in mind!
To keep your 5 minute apple soufflé in shape we have to take notice of a few things.
Firstly, the egg whites and yolks need to be separated strictly (this means, a few drops of the yellow stuff in the white thingy is a bad thing!).
Secondly, we will first handle the egg yolks part of the recipe, to minimize the waiting time in which the beaten egg whites can lose its strength!
And last, everything you do needs to be gentle, soft and eaaaaasy (so leave the terminator aggression in your closet, my little apple tree)!
In this recipe we are making a deviation from a classic soufflé recipe, making it a little more Austrian in style. The twist is we’re making it with flour giving it a little more strength and reducing the use of puff-making-additions (like cream of tartar for example). This is more the Austrian style of preserving the air bubbles, and yet giving the dish a little more strength!

How to make the 5 minute apple soufflé?
There are just a few easy steps to this delicious recipe.
1. First peel your apples and cut them into little cubes. Heat up your pan and melt the butter. When melted (and hot) add the apples. Let the juice evaporate and add the sugar to the apple base.
2. To be fast and efficient, preheat your oven to 180 °C/350 °F (this way we’ll have the oven ready, just in time).
3. Now separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. We need only 3 egg yolks for the recipe (remove the 2 remaining egg yolks, but don’t throw them away, you can make pasta or other recipes with it, or just eat them right away!). The best way to separate the egg whites from the egg yolks is by passing the egg yolks from one half of the eggshell to the other, letting the egg whites drip off into a bowl.
4. Now take the egg yolks and mix them into one even-egg-yolk-paste.
5. In a separate bowl mix the egg whites, with just a little pinch of salt on medium speed until they are solid, nice and fluffy. Add the sugar and mix until the whipped egg whites get a shiny structure!
6. Over the whipped egg whites carefully add the flour evenly through a sieve. Now add the prepared egg yolk paste and carefully mix a few times with a spatula (until you get an even yellow fluffy mixture).
7. We are now ready to finish off our apple soufflé! Take out one small baking tray (our is 20×20 cm) and pour in your apple base. Cover the apple base with your soufflé mixture and bake immediately 20 minutes on medium heat. Do not open the oven while baking (although it may sound more attractive than Tom-Hardy-at-a-wet-summer-day)!
Serve still warm with powdered sugar topping and enjoy (we mean the dessert, not Tom Hardy)!

Quick cooking instructions!
- In a pan melt the butter, add the apples and sugar, reduce.
- Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. Make a paste from 3 egg yolks.
- In a medium sized bowl, mix the egg whites, add the sugar and mix until shiny and fluffy.
- Over the whipped egg whites add the flour through a sieve. Add the egg yolk paste and mix carefully!
- In a small baking tray add the apple base and cover with the soufflé mixture.
- Bake 20 minutes on medium heat (180 °C/350 °F).
- Serve immediately and finish off with powdered sugar topping.

Today we learned how to make the best desserts with just a few basic ingredients: apples, eggs and Tom Hardy (just kiddin’)! The best kitchen recipes are meant to be easy, with ingredients available at your doorstep. Be local, be sustainable and aware! And as always if you like it share it, or don’t, or whatever you like. You are the master of your faith, my little apple tree!