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Everything you need to know about Piwi grapes! Find out now!

When it comes to the world of viticulture and winemaking, the quest for innovation and sustainability is unceasing. In recent years, a remarkable group of grape varieties has been making waves in the industry, drawing attention for their unique characteristics and environmental benefits. These varieties, known as Piwi grapes, are becoming increasingly popular among growers and wine enthusiasts alike. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of Piwi grape varieties, exploring what makes them special and why they’re gaining traction.

What is wine sediment? The best guide!

If you’re into wine (as we are), you sure have met Mr. wine-sediment in your glass or bottle! This phenomenon is common, especially in older bottles or high acidity wines, but do not be alarmed! Wine sediment is nothing to worry about, it’s something to learn about! In our ultimate wine sediment guide we’ll try to answer all your questions and problems regarding this topic. What is wine sediment? How does it form? Is it safe to consume and many, many more! Find out now!