Hello my little world travelers! The world is diverse in every sense of it, so is the food! We need to cherish the little weird things, and that’s why we started to talk about the world’s strangest food! Strange food is literally a big part of every cuisine in the world, and to little of it is known! Let’s change that, today with everything you need to know about blood sausages! Let’s start!
What is the bizarre blood sausage?
The world has a fair share of intriguing cuisine, which is not always in the spotlight of cooking shows or Instagram snaps! One small and bizarre part of it are surely blood sausages! They are part of different cultures, but one is unique to all of them – blood. Apart from mainly pork meat, blood is the main ingredient of blood sausages. They are cooked, fried or baked and are, of the records, a large part of worlds cooking culture! Now let’s find out more!

How are they made?
Blood sausages are made in different manner depending on the country and culture where they came from! East European blood sausages are made with pork meat, mainly pork lungs and head, blood and fat (bizarre right? But hold on! There is a reason behind everything!). The ingredients are then mixed together with important spices like pimento, salt and a lot of spicy black pepper. In the end traditional buckwheat porridge is added (locals call it Kasha), and the sausages are cooked on lower temperature to stabilize the sausage mixture.

Who invented blood sausages and why?
Nobody knows the exact answer who the inventor was, but we sure know the why! We need to know that people back then didn’t have the abundance of supermarkets, and meat was a big luxury! Because of that, the rural areas had to think of ways how to be sustainable, with the things they had! People had to make the most of their food, use every part of it, and that’s why today, there are dishes like blood sausages in world’s cuisines!
What cuisine is known for blood sausages?
Blood sausages are very widespread across the whole world! The biggest part evolved in Europe, but you can find them also in Asia! Europe has a big bloody culture of blood sausages, and they are a big part of cuisines ranging from France to Russia! Even the world known, full English breakfast, has blood sausages as part of the basic ingredients!
Are blood sausages safe to eat?
We know that the world’s strangest foods sound – scary to eat, but the answer is clearly YES, they are completely safe to eat! They have a lot of protein and fats and are safe to be consumed! They can be pan fried, baked in the oven or cooked! If you want, you can serve them with traditional side dishes like our fried wheat dumplings!

That’s it my little world travelers! Remember, always be open minded, try new stuff, or don’t, we love you just the way you are! But at least be respectful to other people and cultures! The diversity of it is what makes us human!
Tell us about your food culture, dishes and interesting facts in the comments, or on our email! We are always open for new stuff! Your Chef’s Cult team!