Traditional zlevanka recipe:
150 g all-purpose flour
50 g corn flour
100 g sugar
4 dl sour milk
2 dl sour cream
100 g melted butter
1 dl milk
3 large eggs
For the topping:
7 tablespoons marmalade of choice
4 tablespoons sour cream
2 bags of vanilla sugar
Servings: 6 servings
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Baking time: 45 minutes
Traditional zlevanka recipe:
5.3 oz all-purpose flour
1.75 oz corn flour
3.5 oz sugar
13.5 oz sour milk
6.7 oz sour cream
3.5 oz melted butter
3.4 oz milk
3 large eggs
For the topping:
7 tablespoons marmalade of choice
4 tablespoons sour cream
2 bags of vanilla sugar
Servings: 6 servings
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Baking time: 45 minutes
Hello my sweet cherry blossoms! Today we’ll make an easy 5 minute dessert recipe, called traditional zlevanka! Imagine you got back home from work, tired, like (almost) always, you open the door and what do you see? An apocalyptic scene called your home (or my), a total mess of destruction, dirty socks all over the place, cobwebs hanging from your husbands’ boxers, kid toys acting like mines, waiting to destroy your shoes and on top of that the whole family comes home in about right now, what do you do? Do you think of living everything behind, starting a new life on the shores of Jamaica selling cookies? No, no!
You make the world (yours and mine) a little bit sweeter with a dessert! And 5 minutes is all it takes! With this easy 5 minute dessert recipe, you’ll save the day (and maybe the world)!

What is traditional zlevanka?
Except that it sounds like Trump’s daughter, it’s one of our favorite desserts! Why? Because it’s really easy to make and, believe me, it’s really ready in 5 minutes (except you need to bake it). Traditional zlevanka is a dessert recipe originating from Eastern Europe where it’s often made (okey, it’s again from Croatia but it’s great, and who cares really?).
In past times farmers had only cows and a lot of milk, that often got sour! So as not to throw away the milk, they made this recipe from things they had like corn flour, sour milk and eggs. Zlevanka was born, and this happened even before Ivanka Trump was in sight! Maybe Trump’s now somewhere writing a food blog with our topic on this easy 5 minute dessert recipe, naming it traditional Ivanka (zlevanka)!

How to make traditional zlevanka
Okey we promised it, now we have to deliver this easy 5 minutes dessert recipe! A perfect zlevanka is nicely spongy and moist (like all the nice little things in the world) with a beautiful yellow color.
1. To achieve that, grab a bowl and mix together the corn flour, all-purpose flour, sugar, melted butter, sour cream and sour milk (it needs to be sour, because the specific taste of zlevanka is sweet-sour-ish).
2. If the consistency is too dense, add just a little normal milk (the thickness needs to be a little more dense than normal pancake mixture). Then add the egg yolks and mix together till the mixture gets shiny and even.
3. In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites. When they get nicely hard and creamy, carefully fold them into the mixture.
4. Grab your baking tray and butter it thoroughly (you can also add baking paper if you want). Now pour in the mixture and over it add your marmalade of choice (ours is, you guessed it, cherry, my little cherry blossoms).
5. In a small bowl add the sour cream and vanilla sugar, mix everything together and pour over your zlevanka mixture in your baking tray.
6. Heat up your oven and bake on medium heat 180°C (350°F) for 45 minutes and enjoy your great little piece of cherry!

Quick cooking instructions
- In a large bowl mix the corn flour, all-purpose flour, sour milk, sour cream, melted butter and egg yolks. Mix until the mixture gets shiny and even.
- In a separate bowl whisk the egg whites until hard. Fold them into the mixture.
- Butter your baking tray, add the mixture, marmalade and sweetened sour cream.
- Bake on 180°C (350°F) for 45 minutes and enjoy your great little piece of cherry!

Wine pairing for traditional zlevanka
Because of it’s sweet-sour combination we need to find a wine that’s suitable to stand alongside this specific dessert attributes. A wine variety that’s almost always sweet and sour at the same time is Riesling. A nice Spätlese Riesling or even Kabinett (which has lower sugar, almost off-dry) would be a perfect match for this recipe.
Now my little cherry blossoms it’s time to get the word out. If you want for zlevanka to be known around the world, get the word out (to your friends and family) or have it to yourself. Don’t ever let Ivanka Trump get that little piece of your cherry. Pssssssst! It didn’t even happen!