Easy vegeterian saffron dumplings:

For the dumplings:

400 g all-purpose flour

200 ml cold water

1 teaspoon salt

For the saffron base:

1 teaspoon (small) dried saffron spice

100 ml warm water

For the saffron sauce:

Prepared saffron base

2 tablespoons butter

1 large onion

(Sprig of) fresh thyme

100 ml white wine

1 tablespoon all-purpose flour

100 ml cooking cream 

Servings: 4 servings

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Easy vegeterian saffron dumplings:

For the dumplings:

14 oz all-purpose flour

7 oz cold water

1 teaspoon salt

For the saffron base:

1 teaspoon (small) dried saffron spice

3.5 oz warm water

For the saffron sauce:

Prepared saffron base

2 tablespoons butter

1 large onion

(Sprig of) fresh thyme

3.5 oz white wine

1 tablespoon all-purpose flour

3.5 oz cooking cream 

Servings: 4 servings

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Hello my darlings! Today we are learning how to make easy vegetarian saffron dumplings! Brace yourself, spring is coming! And the colors will be awesome!

How to make easy dumplings?

If you don’t know what to cook, these work every time. It’s really easy, just grab your all-purpose flour, water and salt and mix it together. It’s always 2 parts of flour to 1 part of water. The texture of the dough needs to be a little tougher. You can live it in the fridge till you need it, or even freeze it for months. When you prepare it, boil and salt the water and just tear the dough roughly with your fingers into smaller pieces. Throw them directly into the boiling water and cook till al dente. The best way to freeze the dumplings is on a baking paper, where they can literally be stored for months. You can prepare them in all kind of recipes and variations. It’s really a wonderful side dish, always ready to be served. Today we’ll prepare them as delicious and easy vegetarian saffron dumplings! Let’s roll (the dough)!  

What is saffron and how it’s used?

Well, my darling, let’s get to basic cooking knowledge. Saffron is a spice derived from the saffron plant Crocus sativus which grows in the middle east mostly, but really all around the world. The spice is made from (HAND!) picked pistils that are dried and preserved. That’s why it’s considered a really costly spice!

The aroma of saffron is (as really most of the expensive stuff in the world) delicate. This means that you, as the perfect little chef you are, need for all cost handle it carefully! Saffron has delicate spice aromas described as musk, honey, or even fresh earth (yea, that’s an aroma my dear), so you want to preserve this delicate aroma. How do you do it?

Firstly, saffron is sensitive to temperatures! On lover temperatures the aroma is not released, and on high temperatures the aroma is quickly lost. You want medium temperatures while cooking with saffron.

Secondly, cook and serve fast when you cook with saffron, because the aromas are best detected when fresh (as mainly everything in the kitchen)!

Lastly, when you cook with saffron it needs to be your main aroma, which means no other strong aromas in the dishes you prepare. If you use other spices with saffron, they need to be milder! No curry, cardamom and strong spices!

To prepare saffron for cooking we use this easy technique! Heat up the needed amount of water in your kettle on medium temperature (somewhere between warm and boiling) and pour it over your saffron in a bowl. Now you have your prepared saffron base on ideal temperature to work with in your recipes!

Furthermore, saffron is mostly used because of its posh yellow color that is just out of this world! Mainly the use of the color is in desserts and pastries! For main dishes it’s often found in risotto, pasta, fish and poultry meals. That’s it, know you know how to perfectly handle your saffron spice!

Easy vegetarian saffron dumplings recipe

We picked this basic recipe because it’s really easy and helps to understand how to handle saffron based dishes. The main aroma of every saffron based dish should be saffron my darlings!

1. Before you start with the recipe, you need to prepare your dumpling dough and saffron cooking base as shown in the introduction! Now you are ready to go!

2. For the sauce heat up your pan and melt the butter. Add the finely minced onions and fresh thyme to it! When the onions are translucent add the flour and incorporate everything well!

3. Now bring the heat up and pour over the wine! Let it evaporate. Then lower your heat to minimum and add the prepared saffron base.

4. Quickly cook and add the cooking cream to it. Season everything to your taste, and if needed add some more butter. The aroma of saffron should be wonderfully preserved in your perfect sauce.

5. Now cook the dumplings as shown in the introduction and add them to the sauce.

6. Mix everything together with the saffron sauce and serve immediately.

For serving add some parmesan cheese and olive oil! Bon appetit my darlings!

Quick cooking instructions

  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Add the minced onions and fresh thyme, when translucent add the flour
  3. Pour over some decent wine and let it evaporate (or let the roof burn if you’re familiar with flaming and have good life insurance, which we of course do not have)
  4. Add the prepared saffron base and cooking cream. Season.
  5. Mix together with the dumplings and serve immediately!

Today you learned a lot about basic saffron handling and preserving aromas, on top of that you learned how to make quick and easy dumplings. It looks like you’re a quick learner and if you want to help your friends to learn with you, share this content. On the other side if you’re the I-like-my-secrets-kept-in-my-first year-college-socks-type, that’s totally cool. We are glad we have all of you, my darlings! See you soon!