It’s cold, it’s wet, it’s grey (and it’s not your neighbor’s cat) outside, but now is the perfect time to think of your summer garden!
Hello my darlings!
Aren’t you feeling tired of the winter already? Christmas is over, spring isn’t starting soon enough, and you are stuck there somewhere in between. But let’s brighten up your mood, shall we?
You, as the perfect chef, are already thinking of your pretty little garden that will be there in no time. For that you need little plants (so called seedlings) to replant in March, April, and May, and now is the time to plant your seeds and wait for the first sunshine to rise and shine. In a few steps you will be the perfect gardener, soon your mother will ask you how to plant the tomato, that’s for sure! In a few quick steps we will go through everything you need to know about starting your own garden.
1. First think of your space my friend. Being in a flat is no excuse of not having your own pottery garden. They are sustainable, homegrown, green, and most of all yours! Having something like that on your balcony, window or terrace will make the neighbors think nice of you (well maybe they won’t say that, but they know), even your Rastaman next door will stop and say: “yo maaan, some smokin plants you got there!” Yet, again think of your space. If you have the luck to fully engage in gardening your own big garden, then you are really blessed. You need to arrange your plants efficiently.
2. Second think of all the plants you like the most, veggies, herbs, everything legal (yo man), everything can grow in your home, no stress. My normal garden has a lot of herbs, all homegrown: basil, parsley, rosemary, thyme, coriander, sage, you name it! There is so much to do with herbs! Herbs are the fundaments of every taste there is! Next think of the veggies you love the most! They really come in all shapes and colors, and they are soooo good. Your own cherry tomatoes, chilly, celery, eggplant, carrots, and everything in between.
3. Now you got your masterplan little Einstein, what’s next then? You make a buying list of what you need. Pottery, soil, seeds, gloves, a new mother-in-law, you name it, anything goes. And ask the garden expert in the store for help, maybe he’s handsome. If you can’t find seeds in the store, you can always buy fresh tomatoes, peppers, or other veggies (that have seeds of course) in the store, take out the seeds, dry them and plant whenever you want!

4. Before you start planting, inform yourself about every plant a little. It takes just a few minutes to read a few lines on how to plant it the best, how much sun or water the plants need and so on. Some herb seeds need sun to grow, some need shadow (you need to cover them with soil), information is important in the start!
5. When you plant all your little seeds, they need to grow in small pottery. When they grow in size, we’ll replant them (depending on the plant in March, April or May) in the Garden, or bigger pottery, if you are in a flat. You need to think of this in your calculation.
6. We plant now, to be the fastest gardener ever in the months to come. Remember how your grandma had those red tomatoes ready in July? Guess what, they were planted in January, and then replanted in May or so. We want to have perfect seedlings, when we have them, gardening is really easy.
7. Take care of your seedlings. They need sun, water, and much love from you. You remember Tamagotchi? Here he is, that little guy, standing right in front of you. Will you feed him? Yea, I know you will!
The last step is to enjoy and watch those little darlings grow. Hmmmm, they grow so fast, I know them since they where little, you can now say that, and it’s true! You can sing to them, talk with them, and the best thing is, they’ll always listen!
My darlings, as always sharing is caring, get the word out and let January be Seeduary!
Forever yours!