Creamy polenta recipe:
300 g dry polenta
900 ml fresh milk
200 ml water
100 g butter
100 g grated parmesan
Servings: 6 servings
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Creamy polenta recipe:
10.5 oz dry polenta
30.4 oz fresh milk
6.7 oz water
3.5 oz butter
3.5 oz grated parmesan
Servings: 6 servings
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Hello my little (soon to be) polenta lovers! Today we are learning the basics of polenta, from the cornfield directly to your plate, mouth, tummy and heart! Now that’s something my ex couldn’t do in 5 years, but you’ll make it in 20 minutes! This deliciousness must be served creamy as f$#k, and we’re learning how to master this in just a few easy steps. This quick guide will give you the basic knowledge and vision (you are now entering the kitchen wisdom area), to make your polenta always perfect and creamy. Yea, we know you are ready, so grab your corn and let’s make some polenta!
What is polenta?
Polenta is basically boiled cornmeal BUT (here’s a big but) polenta as a side dish is really delicious and easy to make and therefore not only boiled cornmeal! It originated from the ancient Romans (but no one really knows) and it was first like a grain mush made from different cereals over a fire with constant stirring! The stirring part sounds like a lot of work, that’s why we’ll jump about 2000 years into the future to modern times, where you can buy cornmeal polenta which is made in just a few minutes (sorry Romans!).
Today the term polenta is mainly used for this exact side dish consisting basically of cornmeal. Polenta is widespread across the Mediterranean and is often the perfect pairing to fish based (and a lot of other) dishes. Now you are enlightened with your polenta knowledge which means we can jump to the next step!
The basic ingredients to make your polenta creamy!
The polenta part isn’t hard to make, but to get the creaminess to it, that’s when the magic starts. For your polenta to be creamy you need three basic ingredients – milk, parmesan and-the-king-of-every-artery- butter. This delightful trio will make the creamy part in your polenta work great!

How to make perfect and creamy polenta?
The secret to the best polenta is following the exact amounts of every ingredient that goes into it (and constant stirring of course, but we need to get rid of the surplus calories somewhere right?). First heat up your milk and water in a large pot and bring it to a light simmer. Now add the butter to it and let it melt nicely. Now grab your whisk and slowly add the polenta to your simmering liquid, while, of course, stirring constantly. Creamy polenta usually takes just a few minutes to tighten up when stirring! When the polenta gets creamy (about 5-10 minutes) add the grated parmesan to it! Slightly stir in the parmesan and serve immediately.
Quick cooking instructions
- In a large pot bring the milk and water to simmer.
- Add the butter and let it melt.
- While stirring constantly add the dry polenta. Stir until the polenta thickens and gets wonderful creamy consistency (5-10 minutes).
- Add the grated parmesan.
- Season to your taste.

What to do with polenta leftovers?
Okay we now polenta is great when fresh, but what to do if you got stuck with half a bowl of leftovers? There are a ton of recipes with polenta leftovers and you can do almost everything with it, in fact, we will post recipes made only from polenta leftovers! You can grill polenta, fry polenta, bake polenta, I mean, polenta is like the queen, its old, but never goes really out of fashion (or the throne)!
Hope that with this post you learned everything there is to know about basic polenta. We know that the little polenta lover evokes in you! He can’t wait for the next recipe, but so do we. And as always, sharing is caring if you’re daring. Forever yours my darlings!